Episode 55 - PoA Chapter 10: Some of You Will Die but Dumbledore Was Willing to Make This Sacrifice

Episode 55 – PoA Chapter 10: The Sacrifice Dumbledore is Willing to Make

This week, Aureo, Ev, Sam, and special guest Geoff (our social media wizard!) tackle the iconic Marauder’s Map chapter in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. We’re plunging into the darkness of dementors, exploring the secrets of the Marauder’s map, and laughing along with the Weasley twins’ hilarious antics. And, of course, no trip to Hogsmeade is complete without a butterbeer at our favorite pub: The Three Broomsticks.

Grab a butterbeer and join us for a fun-filled episode, capped off with a discussion of the chapter’s shocking finale.

In this episode:

  • This is not Harry slander this is Harry realism
  • Thanks to Ev we learn about real-life Grims in English churchyards
  • When can magical children form memories?
  • Sending dementors out in the country to find Sirius Black is just baffling
  • Does Hogwarts effectively turn into a prison by the Dementors being stationed outside of the grounds?
  • Some of you will die but Dumbledore was willing to make this sacrifice
  • Lupin’s secret is that he’s always sad
  • Madam Pomfrey needs more staff
  • Passing down the map is actually a sacrifice by Fred and George
  • Harry Potter and Wizarding Building Maintenance
  • How does muggle tech impact magical inventions?
  • Stockpiling chocolate keeps Dementors away

Pub’s Jukebox: Marauder’s Map by The 8th Horcrux

Posted in Aureo, Chapters, Episodes, Ev, Prisoner of Azkaban, Sam.
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