Cormoran Strike - Harry Potter Crossover

Episode 36 – Strike Crossover: Strike the Fatalistic Trapeze Artist

Join hosts Irvin and Sophia and special guests Dr. Beatrice Groves and Dr. Louise Freeman as they discuss the parallels between the Harry Potter and the Cormoran Strike series: Books 5 and 7 edition

In this episode:

  • All the DH deaths were foretold!
  • Charlotte always gets a “dun dun dun”
  • Personal growth for Strike: bringing presents to nephews he doesn’t like!
  • Is Leda Strike the Snape of the series?
  • Does Irvin like being dramatic?
  • Was Charlotte Disarmed or Occluded against?
  • Lots of mourning by the sea
  • Books 5 and 7 are both very wet
  • The killers we can trust!
  • What’s the interbook pattern? Wedding bands? Leap frogs? Sine waves?


For more from our guests and Irvin’s book:

Posted in Cormoran Strike, Episodes, Irvin, Podcast Crossover, Sophia, Topics.
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2 months ago

Stirling work, Sophia!

There are a lot of other parallels between OotP and DH when you start looking. A couple off the top of my head are: Harry thrust into a leadership position that Hermione/Ron think he’s more prepared for than he himself does; and Harry’s first attempt, and later first successful casting, of the cruciatus.

As usual, I have no further comments, as I don’t have much interest in the Strike books. (As opposed to the Percy Jackson episodes, where I haven’t listened because I don’t want to be spoilered.)

Reply to  AbsentMindedRaven
2 months ago

Oh, I really like your point about the Cruciatus casting! That ties in really well to how Book 5 is a harbinger of darker and badder things in Book 7.

Reply to  Irvin
2 months ago

The whole Harry-using-the-cruciatus thing has always annoyed me.

I get his book 5 attempt, because he’s got so many conflicting emotions at that point he doesn’t know which way is up. I don’t like it, but I get it.

The book 7 scenario is just badly justified. Harry’s hot-headed, not cold-blooded, and he knows nothing of the Carrow twins (whichever one this is, I can’t tell the difference, which says a lot).

It’s presented as defending McGonagall, but that’s righteous anger again, and it should have been just as ineffective as it was against Bellatrix.

Reply to  AbsentMindedRaven
2 months ago

I agree. Like, I get why Harry cast it (he has had a DAY by that point), but I don’t like it. But it shouldn’t have worked, and it was wildly wrong (and out of character) for McG to call it gallant.

Reply to  Irvin
2 months ago

100% agree. I always read McGonagall’s comment as being somewhat shocked and unsure how to react (but of course, one never loses one’s cool in front of a student).

I would say there was a degree of “this isn’t the time, but we will be discussing this later, Potter!” except that she then imperios the other twin (again, just no).

1 month ago

Just here to say that I also am NOT a Robin-Strike shipper like Irvin! Love Robin and never really liked Strike as a person. So I got really excited when they introduced Abigail. But alas!

Reply to  AlmostASquib
1 month ago

Yes! I’m not alone!!!