Episode 26 - The Three Broomsticks: Really Feel Your Branches

Episode 26 – The Three Broomsticks: Really Feel Your Branches

Join hosts Aureo, Ev, Irvin, Sam, Sierra, and Sophia as they discuss the podcast’s namesake: The Three Broomsticks, and its incredible landlady Madam Rosmerta

In this episode:

  • McGonagall would totally fix Madam Puddifoot’s!
  • We totally ship Marietta/Zacharias
  • Does Wilkie Twycross have friends?
  • Telephone, Telegram, Tele-Rosie
  • The Barbie/Harry Potter crossover we didn’t see coming
  • Fire is a real thing
  • Irvin wants to be Rosmerta when he retires
  • Shrunken Heads are gross and also why Alfonso?
  • Florida should not be trusted with food

Pub’s Jukebox:

The Three Broomsticks Tonight by Draco and the Malfoys

The Butterbeer Experience by The Butterbeer Experience

Fiery German drink: Feuerzangenbowle

Posted in Aureo, Characters, Episodes, Ev, Irvin, Locations, Sam, Sierra, Sophia, Topics.
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1 year ago

The Three Broomsticks definitely has good craic!

We had a “guest lecturer” for sex-ed who was the head of the board of trustees, so… Lucius Malfoy explaining the rhythm method?

EDIT: Owing to font/spacing, this episode’s title is rendered as “Really Feel Your Bra”, so… yeah.

Anywhere at Hogwarts, or even on the grounds, there are too many potential eavesdroppers: first- and second-year students, patrolling prefects and teachers, portraits, ghosts, etc.

They should have gone to Madam Puddifoot’s. Sure, everyone could hear them, but no-one’s paying any attention.

“Extra History” had a series a while back on the history of beer, which distinguished three types of public house (in the UK, at least): an alehouse/pub which just focused on drinks, a tavern which also had rooms available, and an inn which served meals and had rooms and stables for rent. The Three Broomsticks seems more in the mould of an alehouse, so probably doesn’t rent out rooms.

An interesting tidbit from that series, though: early alehouses were just the “alewife’s” home, and they used to hang a branch over the door to indicate they had a batch ready for sale. Given the resemblance between a broomstick and a branch, having three could indicate the exceptional amount or quality of their beverage.

Last edited 1 year ago by AbsentMindedRaven
Reply to  AbsentMindedRaven
1 year ago

I love this insight into the alehouses/taverns/inns! I do agree, it seems like The Three Broomsticks would fit more in the category of an alehouse. My only counterpoint to that would be based on the Hogwarts Legacy game in which there are rooms for rent upstairs. Which would make it closer to a tavern. However… IN BOOK I agree.

I also love that the three broomsticks could be a quality check, like a star rating. Wonder if there is a Two Broomsticks out there somewhere…!

Reply to  AbsentMindedRaven
1 year ago

I just want to see the reaction when 28 students show up at Madam Puddifoots. “Uh, yeah, we are in a really big polycule, can we get an intimate romantic table for 28?” Definitely no one bats an eye!

1 year ago
  • Somehow, no matter what Luna orders, she always ends up with a martini. (She blames the wrackspurts.)
  • I wonder if Rosmerta largely ignores Harry because she remembers flirting with his dad, and it would just be wierd.
  • While I’m sure Rosmerta knows all the goss about Bagman, there’s a simpler explanation for him hiding from her: he hasn’t paid his tab there, either.

It’s interesting that people are able to keep someone under the imperius for long periods of time (e.g. Rosmerta, Crouch) despite not being present. Other spells are either instant zappy lights (e.g. expelliarmus), or continue as long as the caster actively focuses (e.g. cruciatus).

Between that, and the target being able to resist if they concentrate, it seems to be based on the idea of hypnotic suggestion. Which leads to my question: is there a way to “undo” an imperiused command? Or could it stay dormant for years until activated by the right circumstances – like some sort of sleeper agent?

Reply to  AbsentMindedRaven
1 year ago

I imagine an Imperiused command can be superceded by another one, so the controller would just direct the victim, “On second thought, don’t give him the poisoned mead.” And that would be that. As for preemptively removing any sleeper commands – we know there’s the Thief’s Downfall to remove all Imperius Curses; there must be some other magic to do a similar thing.

Reply to  Irvin
1 year ago

Good point – I hadn’t thought of the Thief’s Downfall. Although that could be proprietary goblin magic that wizards have never quite been able to replicate.

I agree that later commands would supercede (much like the stage hypnotist at the end of the night telling their volunteer to no longer cluck like a chicken when someone says “the sky is falling!”), but that assumes it’s cancelled by the original caster. Someone else trying to cancel it would have to both be willing to use the imperius, and know exactly what command the victim was given (otherwise the commands could interact nastily).