Episode 24 - PoA Chapter 11: Ron is Comfort Food

Episode 24 – PoA Chapter 11: Ron is Comfort Food

Join hosts Aureo, Irvin, and Sierra and guest Taavi (Of Muggles and Mudbloods) as they discuss chapter 11 in the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: The Firebolt

In this episode:

  • Harry really needs to talk more
  • Ron is the BestTM in this chapter
  • Puns everywhere
  • The world is oh-so-grey
  • Lots of mysteries, and lots of clues to those mysteries
  • Tea time for all of us
  • What makes a flobberworm flobber?
  • A little trouble doesn’t stop Minerva-Quidditch-Superfan-McGonagall
  • Sybill Trelawney’s Secret Heartache
  • Cheaper ways to kill Harry Potter


The Pub’s Jukebox: “When 13 Dine” – The Pumpkin Pasties

Posted in Aureo, Chapters, Episodes, Irvin, Prisoner of Azkaban, Sierra.
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1 year ago

My comment came across as more negative than I intended – I very much like Snitches_get_snitches’ ideas, but the number-cruncher in me wants to check average scoring rates and tweak and optimise the point values.

1 year ago

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone!

Regarding the flobberworms, I have always pictured them quite a lot bigger than the standard garden earthworm. Although, having checked, they are only 10 inches long. So long, but not enormous by any means:

Apparently, their mucus is good for thickening potions but does that make them particularly magical? I’m not too sure.
But if flobberworms aren’t terribly magical or terribly uncommon, I don’t see why human biologists haven’t come across them.
So the options are:

  1. The flobberworms have some magical properties which we don’t know about
  2. They are very rare, so only wizards know where to look for them and Muggles just haven’t got a chance to examine them themselves
  3. Muggle biologists are well aware of flobberworms but call them a different name and have no idea that they can be used in potions 🙂


Reply to  TheWeaponWeHaveIsLove
1 year ago

Muggle biologists are well aware of flobberworms but call them a different name and have no idea that they can be used in potions

I hesitate to share this cursed knowledge, but… the largest known species of slug are close to that size.

Reply to  AbsentMindedRaven
1 year ago

*side-eye emoji*

Reply to  Irvin
1 year ago

To be honest, I read the comment, thought “Huh. I wonder how big slugs get?” and googled it. I was expecting some prehistoric* giant slug called something like “gastropoda jabbaii”, but found that current ones get disturbingly large.

Google-fu is not always a blessing…

* Though, realistically, you’re not going to see many fossil slugs. Make no bones about it.

1 year ago

The awkwardness History of Magic classes would depend a lot on how events are framed. Harry, Ron, & Hermione did break into both the Ministry and Gringotts, after all. I can imagine members of the next generation getting in trouble for arguing with the teacher about what really happened.

I suspect Harry could recognise Lupin in some of the old photos if he looked closely enough, but he’s not taking any notice of anyone else: he’s drinking in his parents.

Speaking of parents, Ron & Hermione are getting good practice for when they have angsty teens of their own.

The Dementors probably make Sirius hear his own voice saying something like “Why don’t we make it Wormtail?”

As far as dementors are concerned, a soul is a soul, but Harry’s has hot sauce.

Any other animal, domesticated or not, would likely be put down after injuring a child as seriously as Draco seems to be (he plays it up, but he’s still got a nasty gash on his arm), regardless of whether the child was bothering the animal.

Reply to  AbsentMindedRaven
1 year ago

I love this all so much. Completely agree with you about Sirius and the dementors, and holy crap that is depressing!

Speaking of parents, Ron & Hermione are getting good practice for when they have angsty teens of their own.

I’m picturing Hermione lecturing Hugo. “We never had trouble like this from our other children! Rose wasn’t snogging people in class! Harry never fondled anyone under the desk!”

Reply to  Irvin
1 year ago

Holy moly I am also now so depressed thinking about Sirius and the dementors…

1 year ago

It makes sense that Sirius coped better in animagus form. Dogs are well known for being chill.

There’s an apocryphal story about scientists working on ulcer medication who wanted to test it on dogs (this was before research ethics was invented). Unlike humans where ulcers can be exacerbated by stress, they had to artificially induce ulcers in the dog, who would then refuse to worry and go take a nap until they got better.

OMG! You can’t just ask someone why they flobber!

Besides Tremors and Dune, Flobberworms are also the inspiration for The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Harry and Ron are well aware that dark wizards could jinx a broom, but this isn’t a broom, this is a firebolt. That would be like shooting at a Jaguar E-Type.

Reply to  AbsentMindedRaven
1 year ago

OMG! You can’t just ask someone why they flobber!

I’m gonna outsource episode titles to you at this rate. ROFL

Reply to  Irvin
1 year ago

I’m gonna outsource episode titles to you at this rate. ROFL

Tell you what, I’ll provide one for the next episode. Something about parsnips, I’ll have to think about it…

BTW since it’s Christmas themed, an alternate set of ingredients could be 7 geas a laying on characters in this chapter:

  1. Harry feels compelled to do something about Black and avenge his parents
  2. Ron insists that Harry not say “Voldemort”
  3. Hagrid will not put a toe out of line after spending time in Azkaban
  4. Hogwarts has been fully decorated despite minimal student presence
  5. Crookshanks is kept in Hermione’s dorm (or, at least, out of the boys’)
  6. Trelawney is prompted to attend luncheon
  7. Hermione must get the firebolt checked to protect Harry

(For those unfamiliar, a “geas” is a bit like an oath or compulsion – essentially an obligation with consequences)