Episode 43 - What If: Severus Snape

Episode 43 – What If: Severus Snape

Join hosts Sam and Sierra and guest Neiha Khan (Dramione Diaries) as they delve into the many what-ifs of Severus Snape book-by-book.

In this episode:

  • Pretty privilege, does it always work?
  • Snape caring for Harry changes everything, or does it…
  • Rogue bludgers for Snape no matter what
  • Snape killing Lockhart would be chef’s kiss
  • Let the people talk!
  • Snape surviving Azkaban has many forms
  • Everything changes if adults don’t act like children
  • Harry failing at Occlumency is actually good
  • No awkward hugs, just death
  • Snape could change everything or nothing
Posted in Characters, Episodes, Sam, Sierra, Topics, What If.
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