Episode 37 - Journeys from Hogwarts: Man, Dobby’s Owl Beginning Second White Flaw!

Episode 37 – Journeys from Hogwarts: Man, Dobby’s Owl Beginning Second White Flaw!

Join hosts Ev, Sam, Sierra, and our guest Hayley as they discuss all the journeys from Hogwarts in the Harry Potter books.

In this episode:

  • Bird Facts
  • Man, Dobby’s Owl Beginning Second White Flaw!
  • For A Well Organized Mind, Ending is Just a New Beginning
  • Special Guest, PIG! Hoot Hoot!
  • Sam Gets Cancelled Because of Shoulders
  • Malfoy gets hexed every… two times?!
  • Hermione is in Greece with Centaurs Every Summer
  • Should Have Ridden the Hogwarts Express Instead of Camping
  • Sam’s motto: I will die on every hill.
  • Time Travel Under Penalty of Death

Pub’s Jukebox:
With You, Whatever Happens by Lauren Fairweather

Posted in Episodes, Ev, Locations, Sam, Sierra, Topics.
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3 months ago

“Today we’re talking about magical birds.”

Y’all say that as if we wouldn’t! The biggest obstacle to an episode all about magical birds would be keeping it short enough for only one episode!

Reply to  Irvin
3 months ago


Not to give Sam any more ammunition, but I recall seeing where someone had asked what the average lifespan of an owl was, and the most upvoted (and downvoted) reply was something like “just over six books”.

Reply to  AbsentMindedRaven
2 months ago

You’re both monsters.
Show some respect to Deadwig!

Reply to  Irvin
2 months ago

“Deadwig” sounds like the name of a swedish-death-metal wizard rock band

Reply to  AbsentMindedRaven
2 months ago

Paging Geoff! This needs to happen!

3 months ago

Let’s be real: if Ginny hadn’t swooped in, Pigwidgeon would have been named “Chudley”.

“Canon” could be an interesting topic of discussion. What it is, what’s included and why, the different levels, translations, “fanon” and why there is sometimes a consensus…

Especially with a view ahead to new adaptations of the material.

2 months ago

I suspect the “too many stamps” gag was in reference to UK postage. Their stamps seem to be at standard amounts (1p, 2p, 5p, 10p… etc) equivalent to coins, but the cost of postage has changed a lot over the years. Between the late 80’s and early 90’s the price went up nearly every year, so “I hope I’ve put enough stamps on” was probably a common concern.

Scheduling is a hard problem (indeed, an NP-hard problem for those in the know). But given that magic can circumvent the laws of physics, why not the laws of mathematics/computation?

I imagine that the class times get shuffled around each year depending on who is in what classes (e.g. are there any 4th-years taking both divination and muggle studies?) and which groups it makes sense to combine (and Dumbledore then vetoes it and puts Gryffindor and Slytherin in potions together because the drama would be hilarious).

It’s possible that the trio’s third year presented an unavoidable clash (hence Hermione getting a time-turner) that could have been resolved in other ways the years Bill/Percy/Barty Jr were studying.

Reply to  AbsentMindedRaven
2 months ago

Wait, is postage changing price not the norm in your country? Our US stamps increase price at least yearly, and often twice – there’ve been 18 price increases since 2007.

Reply to  Irvin
2 months ago

Oh, postage has gone up lots, but what’s different here is that a standard-issue stamp is the amount for a normal letter (as opposed to being set denominations). It only becomes confusing when you’ve got old stamps left-over (and thus have to add extras).